Example using the C library

The following example involves one node (localhost:8803). It is assumed that you already started the SimulaQron backend, as well as the CQC backend. Instructions on how to do this are available in the SimulaQron docs.

Qubit example

The following code is based on the test/src/qubit.c test.

Copy the following code into a file called qubit.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "cqc.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    /* Retrieve arguments from command line */
    if (argc != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr,"usage %s hostname port\n", argv[0]);
    char *hostname = argv[1];
    uint16_t portno = atoi(argv[2]);

    /* In this example, we are simply application 10 */
    uint16_t app_id = 10;

    /* In this example, we will not check for errors. All functions return -1
     * on failure */
    cqc_ctx *cqc = cqc_init(app_id);
    assert(cqc != NULL);
    cqc_connect(cqc, hostname, portno);

    /* Create qubit */
    uint16_t qubit;
    cqc_simple_cmd(cqc, CQC_CMD_NEW, 0, false);
    cqc_wait_until_newok(cqc, &qubit);

    /* Apply H gate */
    cqc_simple_cmd(cqc, CQC_CMD_H, qubit, true);
    cqc_wait_until_done(cqc, 1);

    uint8_t outcome;
    cqc_measure(cqc, qubit, &outcome);
    printf("Outcome: %d\n",outcome);

    return 0;

To compile run

gcc -I<path_to_cqc> -o qubit <path_to_cqc>/cqc.c

And run using

./qubit localhost 8803

This example will create a qubit in the | 0 > state, transorm it into the | + > state, and measure it. The outcome will be 0 or 1 (randomly determined with equal probability).

More examples

For more examples, have a look at the tests in test/src. All examples should be easy to adapt by removing #include “test.h” and the ASSERT_ macros.