Source code for simulaqron.toolbox.manage_nodes

import os
import json
from contextlib import closing
import socket

from simulaqron.toolbox import get_simulaqron_path
from simulaqron.settings import simulaqron_settings

config_files = [simulaqron_settings.app_file, simulaqron_settings.cqc_file, simulaqron_settings.vnode_file]
node_config_file = simulaqron_settings.nodes_file
simulaqron_path = get_simulaqron_path.main()
config_folder = "config"
default_topology_file = os.path.join(simulaqron_path, config_folder, "topology.json")

[docs]class NetworksConfigConstructor: def __init__(self, file_path=None): """ Used to construct the config file of networks.abs When all nodes and networks are added the content of this object can be written to a file by calling the method 'write_to_file'. :param file_path: None or str Path to the network config_file. If None an empty networkconfig constructor is initalized. Otherwise the content of the file is loaded. """ self.networks = {} self.used_sockets = [] self.file_path = file_path if self.file_path is not None: if os.path.exists(self.file_path): self.read_from_file()
[docs] def add_node(self, node_name, network_name="default", app_hostname=None, cqc_hostname=None, vnode_hostname=None, app_port=None, cqc_port=None, vnode_port=None, neighbors=None): """ Adds a node with the given name to a network (default: "default"). If hostnames are None they will default to 'localhost'. If the port numbers None, unused ones will be chosen between 8000 and 9000. If neighbors are specified a restricted topology can be constructed (default is fully connected). :param node_name: str Name of the node, e.g. Alice :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") :param app_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param cqc_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param vnode_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param app_port: int or None Port number for the application :param cqc_port: int or None Port number for the cqc server :param vnode_port: int or None Port number for the virtual node :param neighbors: (list of str) or None A list of neighbors, of this node. If None all current nodes in the network will be adjacent to the added node. :return: None """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" socket_addresses = [(app_hostname, app_port), (cqc_hostname, cqc_port), (vnode_hostname, vnode_port)] for i, socket_address in enumerate(socket_addresses): hostname, port = socket_address if hostname is None: hostname = "localhost" if port is None: port = self._get_unused_port(hostname) else: free = self._check_port_available(hostname, port) if not free: raise ValueError("Cannot add node {}, since socket address ({}, {}) is already in use." .format(node_name, hostname, port)) socket_address = (hostname, port) self.used_sockets.append(socket_address) socket_addresses[i] = socket_address app_hostname, app_port = socket_addresses[0] cqc_hostname, cqc_port = socket_addresses[1] vnode_hostname, vnode_port = socket_addresses[2] if network_name in self.networks: self.networks[network_name].add_node(name=node_name, app_hostname=app_hostname, cqc_hostname=cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname=vnode_hostname, app_port=app_port, cqc_port=cqc_port, vnode_port=vnode_port, neighbors=neighbors) else: network = _NetworkConfig() network.add_node(name=node_name, app_hostname=app_hostname, cqc_hostname=cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname=vnode_hostname, app_port=app_port, cqc_port=cqc_port, vnode_port=vnode_port, neighbors=neighbors) self.networks[network_name] = network
[docs] def remove_node(self, node_name, network_name="default"): """ Removes a node from the network. :param node_name: str Name of the node, e.g. Alice :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" if network_name in self.networks: nodes = self.networks[network_name].nodes nodes.pop(node_name, None)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the current object to a single network ("default") with the nodes Alice, Bob, Charlie, David and Eve. Note that this does not overwrite any config file but can be done by calling 'write_to_file'. :return: """ for network_name in list(self.networks.keys()): self.remove_network(network_name=network_name) node_names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve"] self.add_network(node_names=node_names)
[docs] def add_network(self, node_names, network_name="default", topology=None): """ Adds a new network to the config, with some specified nodes. :param node_names: list of str Name of the nodes, e.g. [Alice, Bob] :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") :param topology: None or dict The topology of the network (optional) (default is fully connected) """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" self.remove_network(network_name=network_name) for node_name in node_names: if topology is not None: neighbors = topology[node_name] else: neighbors = None self.add_node(node_name, network_name=network_name, neighbors=neighbors)
[docs] def remove_network(self, network_name="default"): """ Removes a network from the config. :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" self.networks.pop(network_name, None)
[docs] def get_nodes(self, network_name="default"): """ Returns the node-config objects (_NodeConfig) in a network. :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") :return: list of _NodeConfig """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" if network_name in self.networks: nodes = self.networks[network_name].nodes return list(nodes.values()) else: raise ValueError("{} is not a network in this config".format(network_name))
[docs] def get_node_names(self, network_name="default"): """ Returns the names of the nodes in a network. :param network_name: str Name of the network (default: "default") :return: list of str """ if network_name is None: network_name = "default" if network_name in self.networks: nodes = self.networks[network_name].nodes return list(nodes.keys()) else: raise ValueError("{} is not a network in this config".format(network_name))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Constructs a dictionary with all the content that can be written to a json file :return: dict """ return {network_name: network.to_dict() for network_name, network in self.networks.items()}
[docs] def write_to_file(self, file_path=None): """ Writes the content of this config to a file. :param file_path: None or str If a file_path was specified upon __init__ this will be used if file_path is None. """ if file_path is None: file_path = self.file_path if file_path is None: raise ValueError("Since this networks config was not initialized with a file_path you need to specify one") dict = self.to_dict() with open(file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(dict, f, indent=4)
[docs] def read_from_file(self, file_path=None): """ Reads config from a file. :param file_path: None or str If a file_path was specified upon __init__ this will be used if file_path is None. """ if file_path is None: file_path = self.file_path if file_path is None: raise ValueError("Since this networks config was not initialized with a file_path you need to specify one") if os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as f: dict = json.load(f) else: raise ValueError("No such file {}".format(file_path)) for network_name, network_dict in dict.items(): nodes_dict = network_dict["nodes"] topology = network_dict["topology"] network = _NetworkConfig() network.topology = topology for node_name, node_dict in nodes_dict.items(): app_hostname, app_port = node_dict["app_socket"] cqc_hostname, cqc_port = node_dict["cqc_socket"] vnode_hostname, vnode_port = node_dict["vnode_socket"] socket_addresses = [(app_hostname, app_port), (cqc_hostname, cqc_port), (vnode_hostname, vnode_port)] for socket_address in socket_addresses: if socket_address not in self.used_sockets: self.used_sockets.append(socket_address) node = _NodeConfig(name=node_name, app_hostname=app_hostname, cqc_hostname=cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname=vnode_hostname, app_port=app_port, cqc_port=cqc_port, vnode_port=vnode_port) network.nodes[node_name] = node self.networks[network_name] = network
def _get_unused_port(self, hostname): """ Returns an unused port in the interval 8000 to 9000, if such exists, otherwise returns None. :param hostname: str Hostname, e.g. localhost or :return: int or None """ for port in range(8000, 9001): if self._check_port_available(hostname, port): return port def _check_port_available(self, hostname, port): """ Checks if the given port is not already set in the config files or used by some other process. :param hostname: str Hostname, e.g. localhost or :param port: int The port number :return: bool """ if (hostname, port) in self.used_sockets: return False return self._check_socket_is_free(port) @staticmethod def _check_socket_is_free(port): """ Checks if a given socket on localhost is in use. This is done by trying to open the port and check if it succeeds. :param port: int The port number """ with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: address = ('localhost', port) try: sock.bind(address) except socket.error: return False return True
class _NetworkConfig: def __init__(self): """ Used by NetworksConfigConstructor to keep track of the config of a single network. """ self.topology = None self.nodes = {} def add_node(self, name, app_hostname, cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname, app_port, cqc_port, vnode_port, neighbors): """ Adds a node with the given name to a network (default: "default"). If hostnames are None they will default to 'localhost'. If the port numbers None, unused ones will be chosen between 8000 and 9000. If neighbors are specified a restricted topology can be constructed (default is fully connected). :param node_name: str Name of the node, e.g. Alice :param app_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param cqc_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param vnode_hostname: str or None Hostname, e.g. localhost (default) or :param app_port: int or None Port number for the application :param cqc_port: int or None Port number for the cqc server :param vnode_port: int or None Port number for the virtual node :param neighbors: (list of str) or None A list of neighbors, of this node. If None all current nodes in the network will be adjacent to the added node. :return: None """ if neighbors is not None: if self.topology is None: # Assume that whatever nodes were there before are fully connnected self.topology = {} node_names = self.nodes.keys() for node_name in node_names: self.topology[node_name] = [neigh for neigh in node_names if not neigh == node_name] self.topology[name] = neighbors self.nodes[name] = _NodeConfig(name=name, app_hostname=app_hostname, cqc_hostname=cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname=vnode_hostname, app_port=app_port, cqc_port=cqc_port, vnode_port=vnode_port) def to_dict(self): """ Constructs a dictionary with all the config of this network. :return: dict """ nodes = {node_name: node.to_dict() for node_name, node in self.nodes.items()} return {"nodes": nodes, "topology": self.topology} class _NodeConfig: def __init__(self, name, app_hostname, cqc_hostname, vnode_hostname, app_port, cqc_port, vnode_port): """ Used by _NetworkConfig to keep track of the config of a single node. """ = name self.app_hostname = app_hostname self.cqc_hostname = cqc_hostname self.vnode_hostname = vnode_hostname self.app_port = app_port self.cqc_port = cqc_port self.vnode_port = vnode_port def to_dict(self): """ Constructs a dictionary with all the config of this node. :return: dict """ return { "app_socket": [self.app_hostname, self.app_port], "cqc_socket": [self.cqc_hostname, self.cqc_port], "vnode_socket": [self.vnode_hostname, self.vnode_port] }