# This file contains classes for describing stabilizer states and manipulating these using
# Clifford operations and Pauli-measurements etc.
# Author: Axel Dahlberg
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from random import randint
[docs]class StabilizerState:
bool2phase = {False: "+1", True: "-1"}
bool2Pauli = {(False, False): "I", (True, False): "X", (True, True): "Y", (False, True): "Z"}
phase2bool = {"+1": False, "-1": True}
Pauli2bool = {"I": (False, False), "X": (True, False), "Y": (True, True), "Z": (False, True)}
def __init__(self, data=None, check_symplectic=True):
This class represent a stabilizer state and allows to be manipulated using
Clifford operations and Pauli-measurements.
If check_symplectic=True then a check will be made that all stabilizers commute, by checking
That the matrix is symplectic. Otherwise no check is made.
:param data:
Can be one of the following:
A binary array of rank 2:
A binary array representing the generators of the stabilizer group.
If the array is n-by-2n a stabilizer state on n qubits will be represented.
The n first columns are the X-stabilizers and the n last the Z-stabilizer.
If the array is n-by-(2n+1), the last column is seen as the phase for each generator
as follows:
0 -> 1
1 -> -1
An array of rank 1 containing 'str':
Then each string is assumed to be a generator as for example "XXZIY"
Note that each string in the array should have the same length.
If the number of strings is 'n' then a stabilizer state on 'n' qubits is created.
If the strings have length 'n' then it is assumed that the phase is '+1'.
An explicit phase can be added to the start of the string as for example: "-1XXXY".
Creating a Bell-pair:
StabilizerState(["XX", "ZZ"]) # The state (|00> + |11>) / sqrt(2)
'None' (default):
Then this is seen as a stabilizer state on no qubits, i.e. a complex number.
To add a qubit to such a state one can do:
s = StabilizerState()
s.add_qubit() # This is now in the state |0>
Then a stabilizer state on this many qubits are created, all in the state |0> as:
StabilizerState(5) # This is the then the state |00000>
Then the graph state corresponding to this graph will be created.
This assumes that the nodes are numbered from 0 to n - 1, where n is the number of nodes.
For example:
StabilizerState(networkx.complete_graph(5)) # Single qubit Clifford equiv. to a GHZ state
A qubit in the state |0> can be created as:
StabilizerState([[0, 1]])
A qubit in the state |1> can be created as:
StabilizerState([[0, 1, 1]])
The entangled state (|00> + |11>)/sqrt(2) can be created as:
StabilizerState([[1, 1, 0, 0],
0, 0, 1, 1]])
The entangled state (|01> + |10>)/sqrt(2) can be created as:
StabilizerState([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
0, 0, 1, 1, 1]])
:param check_symplectic: bool
Whether to check if all stabilizers commute or not.
if data is None:
self._group = np.empty(shape=(0, 0), dtype=bool)
self._nr_rows = 0
self._nr_cols = 0
elif isinstance(data, int):
X_part = np.zeros(shape=(data, data), dtype=bool)
Z_part = np.identity(data, dtype=bool)
phases = np.zeros(shape=(data, 1), dtype=bool)
self._group = np.concatenate((X_part, Z_part, phases), 1)
self._nr_rows = data
self._nr_cols = 2 * data + 1
elif isinstance(data, StabilizerState):
self._group = np.array(data._group, dtype=bool)
self._nr_rows = data._nr_rows
self._nr_cols = data._nr_cols
elif isinstance(data, nx.Graph):
n = data.number_of_nodes()
adj_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(data)
X_part = np.identity(n, dtype=bool)
Z_part = np.array(adj_matrix.todense(), dtype=bool)
phases = [[False]] * n
self._group = np.concatenate((X_part, Z_part, phases), 1)
self._nr_rows = n
self._nr_cols = 2 * n + 1
if len(data) == 0:
self._group = np.empty(shape=(0, 0), dtype=bool)
self._nr_rows = 0
self._nr_cols = 0
if isinstance(data[0], str):
# We should pre-process this entry since it contains strings and not booleans
n = len(data)
rows = []
for op_str in data:
row = self._str_to_operator(op_str)
if row is None:
raise ValueError("If data is a length-'n' list or stings, "
"then each string needs be of length 'n' or 'n+2'")
data = np.array(rows)
self._group = np.array(data, dtype=bool)
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(
"Could not create an array of the 'data' due to the following error: {}".format(err)
if len(self._group.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("'data' needs to be an array of rank 2")
self._nr_rows, self._nr_cols = self._group.shape
if 2 * self._nr_rows == self._nr_cols:
if self._nr_rows != 0:
self._group = np.append(self._group, [[False]] * self._nr_rows, 1)
elif (2 * self._nr_rows + 1) == self._nr_cols:
raise ValueError("'data' needs to be an array of dimension n x 2n or n x (2n +1)")
if check_symplectic:
# Check that all stabilizers commute, i.e. the matrix should be symplectic
n = self._nr_rows
zeros = np.zeros(shape=(n, n), dtype=int)
identity = np.identity(n, dtype=int)
P = np.block([[zeros, identity], [identity, zeros]])
M = np.array(self._group[:, :-1], dtype=int)
commute = M @ P @ M.transpose()
if (commute % 2).any():
raise ValueError("All stabilizer of the group constructed from the input does not commute.")
def _str_to_operator(op_str):
Formats a str representing an operator to a binary representation of the operator.
Returns ``None`` if the string is not formatted properly.
if op_str.startswith("+1") or op_str.startswith("-1"):
phase = op_str[:2]
paulis = op_str[2:]
phase = "+1"
paulis = op_str
if not StabilizerState._is_paulis(paulis):
return None
if not StabilizerState._is_phase(phase):
return None
x_part = [pauli in ["X", "Y"] for pauli in paulis]
z_part = [pauli in ["Y", "Z"] for pauli in paulis]
phase_part = [phase == "-1"]
return x_part + z_part + phase_part
def _is_paulis(paulis):
Checks that ``paulis`` is a list of strings representing Paulis.
return all(pauli in "IXYZ" for pauli in paulis)
def _is_phase(phase):
Checks that ``phase`` is a valid string representing a phase
return phase in ["+1", "-1"]
def num_qubits(self):
return self._nr_rows
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, StabilizerState):
raise ValueError("Can only compare with other StabilizerState")
if self.num_qubits != other.num_qubits:
return False
# Get the standard forms of the groups
this_group = self.boolean_gaussian_elimination(self._group)
other_group = self.boolean_gaussian_elimination(other._group)
return np.all(this_group == other_group)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.tensor_product(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "StabilizerState(np." + self._group.__repr__() + ")"
def __str__(self):
to_return = "Stabilizer state on {} with the following stabilizer generators:\n".format(self.num_qubits)
for row_str in self.to_string().split('\n'):
to_return += "\t{}\n".format(row_str)
return to_return[:-1]
def __len__(self):
return self.num_qubits
def _row_to_string(row):
assert (len(row) - 1) % 2 == 0
n = int((len(row) - 1) / 2)
to_return = "{} ".format(StabilizerState.bool2phase[row[-1]])
for i in range(n):
to_return += StabilizerState.bool2Pauli[(row[i], row[i + n])]
return to_return
[docs] def to_string(self):
to_return = ""
for row in self._group:
to_return += self._row_to_string(row)
to_return += "\n"
return to_return[:-1]
[docs] @staticmethod
def Pauli_phase_tracking(old_pauli, applied_pauli):
if old_pauli == [True, False] and applied_pauli == [True, True]:
added_phase = 3
elif old_pauli == [True, True] and applied_pauli == [False, True]:
added_phase = 3
elif old_pauli == [False, True] and applied_pauli == [True, False]:
added_phase = 3
elif old_pauli == [True, True] and applied_pauli == [True, False]:
added_phase = 1
elif old_pauli == [False, True] and applied_pauli == [True, True]:
added_phase = 1
elif old_pauli == [True, False] and applied_pauli == [False, True]:
added_phase = 1
added_phase = 0
return added_phase
[docs] @staticmethod
def boolean_gaussian_elimination(matrix, return_pivot_columns=False):
Given a boolean matrix returns the matrix in row reduced echelon form
where entries are seen as elements of GF(2), i.e. intergers modulus 2.
:param matrix: The boolean matrix
:type matrix: :obj:`numpy.array`
:rtype: :obj:`numpy.array`
new_matrix = np.array(matrix, dtype=bool)
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError("Could not create an array of the 'data' due to the following error: {}".format(err))
if len(new_matrix.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("'data' needs to be an array of rank 2")
m, n = new_matrix.shape
h = 0
k = 0
pivot_columns = []
while (h < m) and (k < n):
non_zero_ind = new_matrix[:, k].nonzero()[0]
non_zero_ind_under_h = non_zero_ind[non_zero_ind >= h]
if len(non_zero_ind_under_h) == 0:
# No nonzero elements in this column
k += 1
i_max = non_zero_ind_under_h[0]
if i_max != h:
# Move the row i_max to the h row
new_matrix[[h, i_max]] = new_matrix[[i_max, h]]
# Add pivot row to the rest
non_zero_except_i_max = non_zero_ind[non_zero_ind != i_max]
if len(non_zero_except_i_max) > 0:
new_matrix[non_zero_except_i_max, :] = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda row: StabilizerState._multiply_stabilizers(row, new_matrix[h]),
new_matrix[non_zero_except_i_max, :],
h += 1
k += 1
if return_pivot_columns:
return new_matrix, pivot_columns
return new_matrix
[docs] def check_symplectic(self):
return self._is_symplectic(self._group)
def _multiply_stabilizers(s1, s2):
Multiplies two stabilizers together to a third one.
assert len(s1) == len(s2)
assert (len(s1) - 1) % 2 == 0
# Update the x and z stabilizers
new_s = np.logical_xor(s1[:-1], s2[:-1])
# Update the phase
new_s = np.append(new_s, StabilizerState._multiply_compute_phase(s1, s2))
return new_s
def _get_pauli_mask(s1, s2, p1, p2):
"""Returns a mask for which positions where the Pauli of the first stabilier is `p1`
and the Pauli of the second stabilizer is `p2`.
num_paulis = int((len(s1) - 1) / 2)
p1_bool = StabilizerState.Pauli2bool[p1]
p2_bool = StabilizerState.Pauli2bool[p2]
is_p1 = (s1[:num_paulis] == p1_bool[0]) & (s1[num_paulis:-1] == p1_bool[1])
is_p2 = (s2[:num_paulis] == p2_bool[0]) & (s2[num_paulis:-1] == p2_bool[1])
return is_p1 & is_p2
def _get_i_mask(s1, s2):
"""Returns a mask for which positions where the Paulis of the two stabilizers gives
a `i`-phase.
has_i = False
for paulis in ["XY", "YZ", "ZX"]:
has_i |= StabilizerState._get_pauli_mask(s1, s2, *paulis)
return has_i
def _get_minus_i_mask(s1, s2):
"""Returns a mask for which positions where the Paulis of the two stabilizers gives
a `-i`-phase.
has_minus_i = False
for paulis in ["YX", "ZY", "XZ"]:
has_minus_i |= StabilizerState._get_pauli_mask(s1, s2, *paulis)
return has_minus_i
def _multiply_compute_phase(s1, s2):
"""Computes the new phase of when multiplying two stabilizers"""
# Compute the number of i and -i phases
has_minus_i = StabilizerState._get_minus_i_mask(s1, s2)
has_i = StabilizerState._get_i_mask(s1, s2)
num_i = np.count_nonzero(has_i)
num_minus_i = np.count_nonzero(has_minus_i)
has_minus_phase = ((num_i - num_minus_i) % 4) / 2
return np.logical_xor(np.logical_xor(s1[-1], s2[-1]), has_minus_phase)
def _is_symplectic(matrix):
Checks if a given matrix is symplectic, i.e. if all the corresponding stabilizers commute.
It is assumed that matrix is a ``2 * n + 1`` matrix.
n = int((matrix.shape[1] - 1) / 2) # num paulis
zeros = np.zeros(shape=(n, n), dtype=int)
identity = np.identity(n, dtype=int)
P = np.block([[zeros, identity], [identity, zeros]])
M = np.array(matrix[:, :-1], dtype=int)
commute = M @ P @ M.transpose()
if (commute % 2).any():
# All stabilizer of the group constructed from the input does not commute
return False
return True
[docs] def contains(self, stabilizer):
Checks if a given stabilizer is in the stabilizer group.
stabilizer (str or list): The stabilizer to check if it's in the group.
Should either be a str of the form "XXX" or "+1XXX" or a boolean list
of length ``2*n`` or ``2*n + 1`` in the same way as the input to the ``__init__``
of the class.
return self._contains(self._group, stabilizer)
def _contains(matrix, stabilizer):
Checks if a given stabilizer is in the stabilizer group represented by the given matrix.
matrix (array): Boolean array of the form n x (2 * n + 1).
stabilizer (str or list): The stabilizer to check if it's in the group.
Should either be a str of the form "XXX" or "+1XXX" or a boolean list
of length ``2*n`` or ``2*n + 1`` in the same way as the input to the ``__init__``
of the class.
if isinstance(stabilizer, str):
stab = StabilizerState._str_to_operator(stabilizer)
if stab is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot parse {} as a stabilizer.".format(stabilizer))
stab = list(stabilizer)
num_cols = matrix.shape[1]
if len(stab) == matrix.shape[1] - 1:
StabilizerState._assert_valid_stabilizer(stab, num_cols)
# Construct a new matrix with the stabilizer as the last row
extended_matrix = np.concatenate((matrix, [stab]), axis=0)
# First check if the stabilizer commutes with all the ones in the stabilizer group
# NOTE this is since the method for boolean gaussian elimination currently
# assume that all stabilizers commute
if not StabilizerState._is_symplectic(extended_matrix):
return False
# Do boolean reduction to find the rank of the new matrix
extended_matrix = StabilizerState.boolean_gaussian_elimination(extended_matrix)
return StabilizerState._num_zero_rows(extended_matrix) == 1
def _num_zero_rows(matrix):
"""Counts the number of rows with 0/False entries"""
return len([row for row in matrix if not any(row)])
def _assert_valid_stabilizer(stabilizer, num_cols):
Checks that ``stabilizer`` is a valid list of bools of the correct length.
for entry in stabilizer:
if not isinstance(entry, bool):
raise ValueError("All entries in a stabilizer should be of type `bool`.")
if len(stabilizer) != num_cols:
raise ValueError("Stabilizer must be of length {}, not {}".format(num_cols, len(stabilizer)))
[docs] def add_qubit(self):
Appends a qubit in the state \|0\> to the current state
:return: None
z0 = StabilizerState([[0, 1]])
[docs] def tensor_product(self, other):
Performs the tensor product with another StabilizerState and returns a new
This can also be done using '*' as for example:
s1 = StabilizerState([[0, 1]]) # The state \|0\>
s2 = StabilizerState([[0, 1]]) # The state \|0\>
s3 = s1 * s2 # This is then the state \|00\>
:param other: The other StabilizerState to perform the tensor product with
:type other: :obj:`StabilizerState`
:return: The tensor product of self and other
:rtype: :obj:`StabilizerState`
if not isinstance(other, StabilizerState):
raise ValueError("Can only perform tensor product with other StabilizerState")
if self.num_qubits == 0:
return StabilizerState(other)
elif other.num_qubits == 0:
return self
this_X_stab = self._group[:, : self.num_qubits]
this_Z_stab = self._group[:, self.num_qubits : -1]
other_X_stab = other._group[:, : other.num_qubits]
other_Z_stab = other._group[:, other.num_qubits : -1]
new_X_stab = block_diag(this_X_stab, other_X_stab)
new_Z_stab = block_diag(this_Z_stab, other_Z_stab)
phases = np.append(self._group[:, -1:], other._group[:, -1:], 0)
new_group = np.concatenate((new_X_stab, new_Z_stab, phases), 1)
return StabilizerState(new_group)
[docs] def to_array(self, standard_form=False, return_pivot_columns=False):
Returns the numpy array representing the stabilizer group of this state.
See doc-string for __init__ how the elements of this numpy array are treated.
Since, the __init__ takes an array as input, given a StabilizerState 's1' on can do:
s2 = StabilizerState(to_array(s1))
and 's1' and 's2' will represent the same state.
:return: The generators of this stabilizer group as a numpy array
:rtype: :obj:`numpy.array`
if standard_form:
if return_pivot_columns:
return self.boolean_gaussian_elimination(self._group, True)
return self.boolean_gaussian_elimination(self._group)
return np.array(self._group, dtype=bool)
[docs] def apply_X(self, position):
Applies the Pauli X operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
yz_rows = self._group[:, position + n]
# Flip phases for Y and Z rows
self._group[yz_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[yz_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_Y(self, position):
Applies the Pauli Y operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
xz_rows = np.logical_xor(self._group[:, position], self._group[:, position + n])
# Flip phases for X and Z rows
self._group[xz_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[xz_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_Z(self, position):
Applies the Pauli Z operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
xy_rows = self._group[:, position]
# Flip phases for X and Y rows
self._group[xy_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[xy_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_H(self, position):
Applies the H operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
# Swap the Z and X columns
self._group[:, [position, position + n]] = self._group[:, [position + n, position]]
# Update the phases
y_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, position], self._group[:, position + n])
self._group[y_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[y_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_K(self, position):
Applies the K operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
# Perform effective CNOT from Z column to X column
yz_rows = self._group[:, position + n]
self._group[yz_rows, position] = np.logical_not(self._group[yz_rows, position])
# Update the phases
x_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, position], np.logical_not(self._group[:, position + n]))
self._group[x_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[x_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_S(self, position):
Applies the S operator to qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state and updates the generators.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(position, n))
# Perform effective CNOT from X column to Z column
xy_rows = self._group[:, position]
self._group[xy_rows, position + n] = np.logical_not(self._group[xy_rows, position + n])
# Update the phases
x_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, position], np.logical_not(self._group[:, position + n]))
self._group[x_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[x_rows, -1])
[docs] def apply_sqrt_minIX(self, position):
[docs] def apply_sqrt_IZ(self, position):
[docs] def apply_CNOT(self, control, target):
Applies CNOT using qubit 'control' as control and 'target' as target.
:param control: The control qubit
:type control: int
:param target: The target qubit
:type control: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (control >= 0 and control < n):
raise ValueError("control= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(control, n))
if not (target >= 0 and target < n):
raise ValueError("target= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(target, n))
if control == target:
raise ValueError("Control and target qubits cannot be the same")
# Perform effective CNOT from the control X column to target X column
xy_control_rows = self._group[:, control]
self._group[xy_control_rows, target] = np.logical_not(self._group[xy_control_rows, target])
# Perform effective CNOT from the target Z column to control Z column
yz_target_rows = self._group[:, target + n]
self._group[yz_target_rows, control + n] = np.logical_not(self._group[yz_target_rows, control + n])
# Update the phases
xy_control_yz_target_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, control], self._group[:, target + n])
yz_control_xy_target_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, control + n], self._group[:, target])
not_yz_control_not_xy_target_rows = np.logical_and(
np.logical_not(self._group[:, control + n]), np.logical_not(self._group[:, target])
rows_to_flip = np.logical_and(
xy_control_yz_target_rows, np.logical_or(yz_control_xy_target_rows, not_yz_control_not_xy_target_rows)
self._group[rows_to_flip, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[rows_to_flip, -1])
[docs] def apply_CZ(self, control, target):
Applies CZ using qubit 'control' as control and 'target' as target.
:param control: The control qubit
:type control: int
:param target: The target qubit
:type control: int
:return: None
n = self.num_qubits
if not (control >= 0 and control < n):
raise ValueError("control= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(control, n))
if not (target >= 0 and target < n):
raise ValueError("target= {} if not a valid qubit position (i.e. in [0, {}]".format(target, n))
if control == target:
raise ValueError("Control and target qubits cannot be the same")
# Update the phases
x_and_y_rows = np.logical_and(self._group[:, control], self._group[:, target])
z_rows = np.logical_xor(self._group[:, control + n], self._group[:, target + n])
rows_to_flip = np.logical_and(x_and_y_rows, z_rows)
self._group[rows_to_flip, -1] = np.logical_not(self._group[rows_to_flip, -1])
# Perform effective CNOT from the control X column to target Z column
xy_control_rows = self._group[:, control]
self._group[xy_control_rows, target + n] = np.logical_not(self._group[xy_control_rows, target + n])
# Perform effective CNOT from the target X column to control Z column
xy_target_rows = self._group[:, target]
self._group[xy_target_rows, control + n] = np.logical_not(self._group[xy_target_rows, control + n])
[docs] def measure(self, position, inplace=False):
Measures qubit 'position' of the stabilizer state in the standard basis.
If 'inplace=False' the qubit is removed from the state, i.e. the number of qubits in the state is reduced by one
If 'inplace=True' the qubit is not removed and the number of qubits remain the same.
:param position: The position of the qubit.
:type position: int
:param inplace: Whether to measure the qubit in place or not. (I.e. to keep it or not)
:type inplace: bool
:return: The measurement outcome (0 or 1, where 0 is the +1 eigenvalue and 1 is the -1)
:rtype: int
n = self.num_qubits
if not (position >= 0 and position < n):
raise ValueError("position = {} if not a valid qubit position (not in [0, {}))".format(position, n))
tmp_matrix = self._group
# Create a new matrix where the X and Z columns of the corresponding qubit are the first.
perm = [position] + [i for i in range(n) if i != position]
perm.extend([i + n for i in perm])
perm.append(2 * n)
tmp_matrix = tmp_matrix[:, perm]
# Perform Gaussian elimination such that there is maximally one X or Y at the qubit position
tmp_matrix = self.boolean_gaussian_elimination(tmp_matrix)
# Check if there is an X or a Y at the qubit position
if tmp_matrix[0, 0]:
# The first row (generator) of this matrix is then the only one that doesn't commute with the observabel Z
outcome = randint(0, 1)
# If outcome is 1 we need to flip phases for the other generators that has an Z at this qubit
if outcome == 1:
z_rows = tmp_matrix[:, n]
tmp_matrix[z_rows, -1] = np.logical_not(tmp_matrix[z_rows, -1])
if not inplace:
# Simply remove first generator and columns for X and Z of this qubit
X_part = tmp_matrix[1:n, 1:n]
Z_part_and_phase = tmp_matrix[1:n, n + 1 :]
self._group = np.concatenate((X_part, Z_part_and_phase), 1)
self._nr_rows = n - 1
# Set first generator to be the observable
tmp_matrix[0, :] = False
tmp_matrix[0, n] = True
if outcome == 1:
tmp_matrix[0, -1] = not tmp_matrix[0, -1]
# Set the rest of the first column to be identity
tmp_matrix[1:, n] = False
# Swap back the X and Z columns of this qubit
self._group = tmp_matrix[:, np.argsort(perm)]
# Thus means that all stabilizer elements commute with the observable
# and therefore that the qubit is already in |0> or |1>
if self._is_first_qubit_in_zero(tmp_matrix):
# Qubit is in |0>
outcome = 0
# Qubit is in |1>
outcome = 1
if not inplace:
tmp_matrix = tmp_matrix[:, np.argsort(perm)]
columns = np.arange(2 * n + 1)
columns_without_position = np.logical_and(columns != position, columns != (position + n))
tmp_matrix = tmp_matrix[np.logical_not(tmp_matrix[:, n + position]), :]
self._group = tmp_matrix[:, columns_without_position]
self._nr_rows = n - 1
# We don't need to do anything here since the state has not changed
self._group = tmp_matrix[:, np.argsort(perm)]
return outcome
def _is_first_qubit_in_zero(matrix):
Helper function used in measure to decide if the first qubit is in the state |0> or |1>.
``matrix`` should be a matrix representing the stabilizer group of a state where the first qubit is
either in the state |0> or |1>.
n = int((matrix.shape[1] - 1) / 2)
stabilizer = 'Z' + 'I' * (n - 1)
return StabilizerState._contains(matrix, stabilizer)
[docs] def find_SQC_equiv_graph_state(self, return_operations=False):
Finds a graph state single qubit Clifford equivalent to self. Method is described
in quant-ph/0308151.
For example:
EPR_pair = [[1,1,0,0],[0,0,1,1]]
S = StabilizerState(EPR_pair)
G = find_SQC_equiv_graph_state(S)
:param self: The StabilizerState for which we want to find the corresponding graph state
:type self: :obj:`StabilizerState`
:return: A networkx graph SQC equivalent to S
:rtype: :obj:`networkx.classes.graph.Graph`
S_ech_form, pivs = self.to_array(standard_form=True, return_pivot_columns=True)
n = len(pivs)
pivsX = [i for i in pivs if i < n]
k = len(pivsX)
operations = []
# Next step is to relabel the qubits such that the pivot columns in X
# are the first k columns in X-part and the Z-part.
A = pivsX + [i for i in range(n) if i not in pivsX]
A.extend([sum(x) for x in zip(A, n * [n])] + [2 * n])
Sp = StabilizerState(S_ech_form[:, A])
# Then apply Hadamards on the last n-k qubits such that X has full rank
for j in range(k, n):
operations.append(("H", A[j]))
Sp_mat = Sp.to_array().astype(int)[:, : 2 * n]
phase_list = Sp.to_array()[:, -1]
# Then multiply by inv(X) such that inv(X)X = I
Spp_mat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(Sp_mat[:, :n]), Sp_mat)
# Test if this was succesfull
if not np.array_equal(Spp_mat[:, :n], np.identity(n)):
raise ValueError("The X-part should be identity,but something went wrong")
# then swap back (first the columns, then the rows to keep identity on the X-part)
Spp_mat = Spp_mat[:, A[: 2 * n]]
Spp_mat = Spp_mat[A[:n], :]
Spp = StabilizerState(np.c_[Spp_mat, [phase_list[i] for i in A[:n]]])
# Spp is now a graph state with possible self loops. To remove these,
# do an S on every qubit with a self loop
for j in range(n):
if Spp_mat[j, j + n]:
operations.append(("S", j))
# Now we remove -1 phases which might still be there
for j in range(n):
if Spp.to_array()[:, -1][j]:
operations.append(("Z", j))
# Spp is now in the form of (I,Gamma) where Gamma is the adj mat of the Graph
# SQC equivalent to the stabilizer state.
adj_mat = Spp.to_array()[:, n : 2 * n]
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
if return_operations:
return G, operations
return G